Delightful Leh-Ladakh
- Tour Package -
(8 days)

This 8D/7N tour package allows you to visit Ladakh’s most important cultural sites and explore the most dramatic landscapes in 8 days. After visiting the city of Leh on the first day, you will discover the Sham region (the west part of the Indus valley). You will see the Magnetic Hill, Sangam, Gurdwara Pathar Sahib and you will visit the villages and monasteries of Spituk, Phyang, Basgo, Alchi, Likir, Rizong and Lamayuru. Then, you will embark on an overnight trip to the breathtaking Nubra valley. After crossing the Khardung La, the highest motorable pass in the world, you will visit Diskit, Sumur and Hunder sand dunes. The next 2 days will be dedicated to exploring the scenic Changthang region inhabited by the Changpa nomads. The main highlights of this region include the spectacular Tso Moriri and Tso Kar lakes. You will also have the chance to visit the well-known monasteries of the Indus valley such as Hemis, Thiksey and Shey.

With an extra day, you could include the visit to Pangong lake in your itinerary as in The Grand Leh-Ladakh Tour Package.

See other 8-day itineraries.

Delightful Leh-Ladakh Tour Package


Arrival in Leh, acclimatization & visit

Day 1: Leh

Indus valley to Lamayuru (2-day tour)

Day 2: drive from Leh to Lamayuru monastery via Alchi monastery

Day 3: drive back to Leh

Nubra valley (2-day tour)

Day 4: drive from Leh to Nubra valley

Day 5: drive back to Leh

Tso Moriri lake and Tso Kar lake (2-day tour)

Day 6: drive from Leh to Tso Moriri lake via Hemis monastery

Day 7: drive back to Leh

Departure from Leh

Day 8: departure from Leh

Map, Delightful Leh-Ladakh tour

For more details, check out this Leh-Ladakh map with the top tourist attractions.


1,021 km

Ladakhi Women in Traditional Dress, Leh-Ladakh Tour Package
Hunder Sand Dunes in the Morning, Nubra Valley, Leh-Ladakh Tour Package


Arrival in Leh, acclimatization & visit
(done independently)  ?

Day 1:Leh airport - Leh (Main Bazar, Leh Palace, Namgyal Tsemo Gompa, Shanti Stupa)
Night in Leh

Take the early morning flight to Leh, the capital of Ladakh. The flight takes about one and a half hours and it is one of the most spectacular flights in the world. Arrive at Kushok Bakula Rimpochee airport and transfer to your hotel. Leh is at 3,500 metres altitude and it is recommended that you rest and relax for a few hours before you start visiting the city. For lunch, you could try Ladakhi cuisine such as momos or thukpa at one of the local restaurants.

Begin the visit of Leh with the picturesque old town where a series of narrow winding alleys lead to the Leh Palace, an imposing nine-storey building that was constructed by the king of Ladakh 400 years ago. Its architecture has a similarity with the Potala Palace in Tibet. Inside the palace, don’t miss the visit of the prayer room. Just above the palace, Namgyal Tsemo is a mud-brick gompa built in the 15th century that enshrines a highly revered statue of Maitreya Buddha. The monastery overlooks the city of Leh, it is surrounded by thousands of prayer flags floating in the wind. In the evening, climb to the Shanti Stupa, a large white-domed chorten rising above Leh. The stupa is a Japanese gift to Ladakh to commemorate 2,500 years of Buddhism. Scenes from the life of Buddha are depicted on its two-level structure. From here, there is a matchless panorama of the city and the Indus valley, making it a popular spot for sunset. Walk back along Changspa Road to the bustling Main Bazar. The market is a nice place to stroll around and do people watching. Nearby, you can visit the 17th-century Jama Masjid mosque and the Gompa Soma, a small temple in a quiet courtyard that houses the headquarters of the Ladakh Buddhist Association.

Indus valley to Lamayuru (2-day tour)

Day 2:Leh - Phyang - Magnetic Hill - confluence of Indus and Zanskar rivers - Basgo - Alchi - Lamayuru
Night in Lamayuru

After breakfast, start the 2-day Indus valley tour to Lamayuru. This part of Ladakh is known as “Sham” which means “West” in Ladakhi. After 20 minutes drive from Leh, you arrive at the Phyang monastery where 90 monks reside. Next, stop at the intriguing Magnetic Hill where a car with engine turned off and in neutral gear appears to be rolling uphill… Something that you must see with your own eyes! Drive to the Sangam viewpoint to admire the location where the Zanskar river (blue or brown colour depending on the season) flows into the Indus river (green colour). This is a famous spot for photography in Ladakh. Then, visit the Basgo monastery and the ruined mud-brick citadel which was the residence for the king of lower Ladakh 600 years ago. Head to Alchi village and take a lunch break in one of the garden restaurants. The Alchi monastery is one of the top attractions in Ladakh. The gompa was founded in the 11th century by the Great Translator Rinchen Zangpo. According to the legend, the poplar tree at the entrance of the complex is his walking stick which turned into a living tree. The gompa contains the most exquisite wall paintings of Ladakh. The road towards Lamayuru via Ulley Tokpo snakes along the Indus river. Located 116 km west of Leh, Lamayuru is a lovely village. Take a stroll through the old Ladakhi houses scattered around the gompa. The area was once the bottom of a lake and the surreal landscape around the village is often nicknamed as “moonland”. In Lamayuru, you can spend the night in a homestay, a great opportunity to stay with a local family and discover the Ladakhi customs and traditions.

Day 3:Lamayuru - Rizong - Likir - Gurdwara Pathar Sahib - Spituk - Leh
Night in Leh

Early morning, you can join the monks for the prayer in the Dukhang (the assembly hall). The 11th-century Lamayuru monastery (also known as Yungdrung gompa) was founded by Rinchen Zangpo. It is said that the Indian scholar Naropa meditated in the small cave in the main prayer hall. Returning on the same road, proceed to the isolated Rizong monastery. Located at the end of a narrow gorge, the gompa was built in 1831. Nearby, surrounded by apricot orchards, the Chulichan Nunnery is home to 20 nuns. Then, head to the Likir monastery. The 22m-high statue of the Future Buddha next to the monastery’s main building is a well-known landmark of the village. On the way back to Leh, stop at Gurdwara Pathar Sahib (a sacred place for Sikhs) and Spituk monastery. If you want to visit the Hall of Fame museum, just inform your driver. The museum is situated next to Leh airport and commemorates the Indian Army and its role in the region.

Nubra valley (2-day tour)

Day 4:Leh - Khardung La - Diskit - Hunder (Nubra valley)
Night in Hunder

This morning, your driver takes you to the Nubra valley passing through the Khardung La pass, the highest motorable road in the world at an elevation of 5,602 metres. From the pass, the panoramic view of the surrounding mountains will take your breath away. The Nubra valley which means “the valley of flowers” in Ladakhi is situated between the Ladakh mountain range and the Karakoram mountain range at an average altitude of 3,100 metres. Visit the 15th-century Diskit monastery, the largest gompa in the Nubra valley, built atop a craggy peak. On a nearby hill, there is a colossal 32-metre-high statue of Maitreya Buddha, one of the landmarks of the valley. Head onwards along the Shayok river to the small village of Hunder which offers several accommodation options.

Day 5:Hunder - Sumur - Khardung La - Leh
Night in Leh

From the village, walk across the rolling Hunder sand dunes or go for a camel ride. This area is home to double-humped Bactrian camels which were brought from Mongolia when the Nubra valley was a stopping point for the caravans travelling on the ancient Silk Road. Then, drive to Sumur, a nice village surrounded by green fields overlooking the Nubra river. Here, you can visit the Samstanling monastery before heading back to Leh.

Sumur, Samstanling Monastery, Nubra valley

Tso Moriri lake and Tso Kar lake (2-day tour)

Day 6:Leh - Hemis - Chumathang - Tso Moriri lake
Night at Tso Moriri Lake

From Leh, follow the Indus valley to the east to Hemis monastery, the largest and the most prosperous gompa in Ladakh. This impressive monastery belonging to the Drukpa order was founded in the 17th century by the king Sengge Namgyal. One of the temples enshrines an 8m-tall statue of Guru Rinpoche, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism. From Hemis, head south-east through the high-altitude plateau of Changthang. After driving 110 km on a small road, you reach Chumathang at an altitude of 4,000m. Chumathang is known for its hot springs that are reputed to have a number of therapeutic benefits. Several restaurants can be found in the village, making it a good place to stop for lunch. There is another 70 km to reach Tso Moriri lake, one of the most stunning natural site in Ladakh. This pristine 26-km-long lake is located at an altitude of 4,530m and it is flanked by several 6,000m+ peaks. Hike along the lake and enjoy the scenic beauty of the place. Situated on the north side of the lake, Korzok is one of the highest villages in Ladakh and the only one on the bank of Tso Moriri lake. Here, you can meet the Changpa nomads who rear pashmina goats, sheep and yaks. Korzok village has a monastery that is worth visiting and it offers many accommodation options, mainly guesthouses and homestays.

Day 7:Tso Moriri lake - Puga - Tso Kar - Taglang La - Thiksey - Shey - Leh
Night in Leh

After breakfast, drive to Puga hot springs and Tso Kar lake. Its name means “white lake” in Ladakhi language, the white colour comes from the thick layer of salt deposited along its shores. The area is home to the Tibetan wild ass (kiang) and the rare black-necked crane, a heaven for birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts. Head back towards the Indus valley via Taglang La, the highest pass on the Leh-Manali road. Visit Thiksey monastery, one of the most famous gompas in Ladakh. Its architecture resembles the Potala palace in Lhassa. The monastery belongs to the Gelugpa order and it is home to approximately 80 monks. Inside, don’t miss the fascinating 14-metre-high statue of Maitreya (the future Buddha) in a finely-decorated headdress. Next, visit Shey palace that was built in middle of the 17th century by the king Deldan Namgyal. The Shey gompa houses a highly revered two-storey high statue of Shakyamuni Buddha gilded with about 5 kilograms of gold. From Shey, drive another 14 km to reach Leh.

Departure from Leh
(done independently)  ?

Day 8:Leh - Leh airport

Today, leave for Leh airport to catch your flight towards your next destination. Try to get a window seat so that you can enjoy the breathtaking bird’s eye panorama of the towering Himalayan mountains.

Leh airport


This package is the combination of 3 tours:

Each individual tour shall be booked separately with the booking form and the price depends on the car category.

category A
category B
category C
Aria, XUV
Xylo, Scorpio, ErtigaSumo, Eeco Van, Qualis
Indus valley to Lamayuru (2-day tour)
Nubra valley (2-day tour)
Tso Moriri lake and Tso Kar lake (2-day tour)
TOTAL PRICE (per car)₹ 62,428₹ 59,345₹ 53,867

The tour package is arranged with a private taxi (the car is only for you and it will not be shared with other passengers).

The price includes:
✓ Car with Ladakhi driver
✓ Fuel
✓ Tolls and parking fees
✓ Driver’s food and accommodation
Oxygen cylinder (optional)

The price excludes:
✗ Meals and hotels
Inner Line Permit

Our dedicated team can assist you with your accommodations, permits and everything else you need.

For each individual tour/trip, click on the price corresponding to the desired car category in the above table and you will be redirected to the booking form.
For more details, check out How to book a tour package: step-by-step guide.


Inner Line Permit is required for this trip.

You need an Inner Line Permit during the tour to Nubra valley on day 4 and 5, and during the tour to Tso Moriri lake on day 6 and 7. Therefore, you need a permit with a validity period of 4 days.

You can easily obtain an Inner Line Permit when you are in Leh and it takes one working day. We can help you to get it. More information about permits can be found on this page.

How to book a tour package: step-by-step guide

step-by-step guide

Best hotels in Ladakh


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